Friday, February 26, 2010

Raw Heat in the Snow

Whew! I've been silent a long time -- I had terrible morning sickness (as well as full-time work and full-time school) for several weeks and then a bout of the flu. It was chaos! Luckily, my surprisingly responsible and nice husband took care of me and cleaned up the house and was generally a brick. I got back into the raw zone a couple of weeks ago, and am feeling pretty good again. I haven't been taking my supplements, though, which I worry about. I hate them, and I don't like to ingest lab-produced materials because current medical fashion dictates it. On the other hand -- I'm a vegan, and I don't want to harm my baby. What to do?

Today we had a massive snowstorm, so I'm home from work with almost no food in the house. I looked around and found that I had most of the ingredients for this kooky soup, Siamese Dream Thai Curry Soup. It's just coconut water with healthy doses of lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce (I used Bragg's Liquid Aminos), ginger, curry, and garlic. (I left out the garlic, because I'm still dealing with an aversion to it.) Anyway, you blend it up, then chop up whatever you have around -- mushrooms, greens, basil, tomato, avocado -- and just dump that in. It's fabulous! Also very warming and exotic on a snowstorm day. I spooned it up, dreaming of Thailand, and barely noticed the snowblowers grumbling outside.

I've been drinking a lot of coconut water recently -- this started after I got the flu, because I needed to protect against dehydration -- and I'm having a mixed experience. It tends to have a laxative and diuretic effect, which I guess is good during pregnancy. But too much upsets my stomach. So my advice to pregnant ladies is: enjoy coconut water, but only a glass or two each day.

The GYN said everything looks good with the pregnancy so far: low risk of chromosomal abnormality according to the non-invasive screening, my blood pressure and cholesterol and folic acid are in good shape, etc. He's worried about my B12 and D levels... should I take the supplements?