Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just Another Tricky Day

Yesterday was just a crappy day. Raining and blowing, my sugar levels all wackadoo, too much time on my hands. Here's my attempt to get back in the groove:

cup of green tea with 2 probiotic caps
green juice (1 head kale, 1 head celery, 1 cucumber, 1 apple, little parsley and ginger) drunk throughout the day
3 raw vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
hearts of palm
2 green apples
1/2 head celery dunked in dip of 2 ears corn blended with 1/4 avocado
salad of two tomatoes, hearts of palm, parsley, 1/4 avocado

Definitely feeling more peaceful now. The green juice and the vitamins really calm me down...I'm so grateful for them.

Recommendations: I watched some videos yesterday about raw pregnancies. This one had a good idea:

I liked the idea of keeping things you know you like, things you know are good for you, on hand so that you don't get kooky with cravings. Some other good videos at

Women Go Raw, Gina
Jinjee Talifero on her 5 pregnancies

I also read Talifero's ebook on her raw pregnancies. I enjoyed it, although there's not a lot of medical information in there, just stories. One of Natalia Rose's books, Raw Food Detox Diet, includes some helpful information. She says that women who have been eating a raw diet should continue that way as long as they're comfortable, although she does not recommend that women try to go raw during pregnancy. My eating patterns are probably closest to those described in Rose's book, so I'm hoping this advice applies to me!

Maybe I'm not far enough along yet, but I don't feel as if I have cravings. I'm eating a little less, maybe, than I usually do. My workouts are a bit mellower, too... I do about 4 miles, maybe lift some weights. I feel really, really good, to be honest.

Of course, this makes me worry that I'm not really pregnant. I'm such a spaz.

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