Saturday, December 26, 2009

On Christmas Day in the Morning

How do you eat when you go to your inlaws? Do you talk about nutrition...and are they cool with your beliefs? My inlaws think yogurt is weird. Sushi is newfangled to them. I don't think they're open to the kind of stuff I'm into.

So yesterday was Christmas Day. Big, traditional gathering -- a rough ride for a nutritional adventurer. My policy on those occasions is: being polite trumps dietary preferences. And a codicil: I don't need to make myself sick to be polite. So I kind of eat around the meal and try to be a good guest. Thing is, sometimes I'm so focused on being polite that I become boring. Which is, let's face it, the worst guest of all.

Whatever. Here's a look at yesterday's food choices:

cup of green tea with two probiotic caps
green juice (1 head kale, 1/2 head celery, 1 head chard, 2 apples, 2 cucumbers) drunk in the morning
3 prenatal vitamins in the morning
a green apple, a kiwi
salad of 2 ears corn, tomato, sm. handful parsley, 2 stalks celery, 1/4 avocado, tsp. olive oil

mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, green beans, salad
sliver flourless chocolate cake

I feel a little jumpy and irritable after all those simple carbs. Or maybe it's just because I went through a family gathering without booze -- yikes! I'd forgotten how edgy and silent I get. I need wine! Please!

Oh well. The nitty gritty: prenatal vitamins are a thumbs up. I'd been very tired before I started them, but now I can work out in the gym, take a wee nap, and last until bedtime.

My digestion's still kind of slow, though -- you know, constipation. Ylch. I'm going regularly (every morning, sometimes again at night) but not as quick and clean as usual. I read that this is normal, but I'm not digging it. It's causing some issues. (Why can't I write this? I specifically intended to write about this stuff... but I'm all worried about putting it out there.) Let me try that again: I feel like I might be getting a hem'. And I guess that's normal with pregnant ladies, but I am opposed. Opposed! I'll up my fluid intake to see if I can avoid it.

I took a test yesterday just to check in, cause I'm so nervous about this. Still pregnant. We'll keep going.

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