Thursday, December 31, 2009

DHA and Food with Friends

I went to visit my regular physician yesterday; I wanted to assess my nutritional levels, get some advice, and possibly get a referral for an OB/GYN. He told me that I should supplement DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid), because babies will leach that from a mother's body if they aren't able to get it through the mother's diet. He said that there's speculation that a lack of DHA can lead to postpartum depression, too.

Looks like you can get both vegan and fish versions of DHA supplements. My GP recommended fish-based Nordic Naturals, but said vegan was fine. I ordered the vegan version from Life's DHA, mainly because Kris Carr recommended it. Otherwise, he just took some info, ordered some tests, and congratulated me. I'm glad I went.

Tricky day, foodwise, because I had lunch and dinner at other people's houses.

Fasted for the morning (for blood work)
Quart green juice (cucumber, spinach, apple, ginger, kale, parsley -- bought at a juice bar)
3 vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
1 apple
Bowl squash soup (my friend and I made this together -- she's a wonderful cook and so generous and cool)
Salad of two ears corn, two tomatoes, 1/2 head celery, parsley, 1/2 avocado
Spinach salad
Rice with cooked peppers and onions, steamed broccoli, 3 chocolate-dipped dried apricots (!!!Yum!!!), 2 gluten-free macaroons

A few things I've learned in my many, many, many years:

1. Don't fast unless you're sick. It'll just lead to overeating later.
2. Foods that are sugary or fried taste good, but they are the opposite of satisfying. They leave you craving more.

I'm not sure if that's just true or just true of me, but it's definitely worth remembering. Also, when I eat too much cooked food I get sick (this morning I woke with a chest cold). But so it goes. To me, it's more important to connect with people -- it's not healthy to let your diet alienate you from the world. And I'm not so fragile that I can't cope with a tiny cough.

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