Friday, January 1, 2010

Nothing Changes on New Year's Day

I have a little cold, so we just stayed in and goofed around last night. I guess I'm antisocial, but I love being home best.

green tea & 1 probiotic cap
green juice (1 head kale, 1 1/2 cucumber, 1 apple, 1 lemon, 1/2 head celery) drunk throughout the day
3 vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
2 green apples
arugula with 1/2 avocado and some olives
blended tomato, parsley and olives on a collard leaf
little steamed veggies and tofu
c. brown rice
agave lemonade

Still feeling okay, digestion-wise. My cold is annoying, though. Ever since I went raw, I don't get sick very often, and when I do, I can feel it but I'm not really sick -- I just feel that I'm fighting something off. The trouble is, no one thinks I'm sick, so only I know that I need rest. I feel like I'd get more sympathy if I got more snot. :)

Still, I was able to get in a good workout yesterday. I've been lucky to have this time to take good care of myself before work and school start up again.


I also saw this note about drinking fresh juice while pregnant: "Juicing while pregnant and breastfeeding." He says that juicing is highly nutritious, so you shouldn't drink juice while pregnant, because you don't want to accustom your fetus to that level of nutrition.

I hope this isn't just shrugging off advice that I don't like, but this sounds completely dopey to me. My physician saw me with a quart of fresh green juice and didn't comment that I should beware of getting too much high quality nutrition. Besides, I like juice, and I feel good. I'm going to keep following my tastes and instincts and hope for the best. Hope, hope.

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