Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Down, Down, Down

I've been dealing with a lot of nausea lately... it's very hard. I don't know who came up with the idea that women shouldn't tell about their pregnancies until the second trimester. All that means is that we have to work full-time and support everyone else's needs while feeling like dirt. Bad deal!

So, obviously I'm a little grouchy. With the nausea, the easiest things to eat are very plain things: berries, lettuce with oil and vinegar, etc. I can't get my juice down -- or my vitamins, which is worse -- but I'm doing my best.

Yesterday's choices:

bag frozen blueberries
2 bosc pears
1/2 tomato, 1/2 cucumber
gazpacho (tomato, cucumber, pepper soup with avocado)
2 brown rice cakes with avocado
some white rice (ugh! why did I do that?)

The white rice was a big mistake -- I couldn't sleep at all tonight. Oh well.

Recommendations: I found another raw pregnancy blog: Courtney Taylor on Loving Raw. Unfortunately, there are only little pieces of the story, not the whole thing.

The nitty gritty: I'm feeling super nauseated and tired lately, and also crazy grouchy. I hope this all clears up soon. I had to push back my first doctor's appointment, so I won't be checked until I'm in my 12th week. That seems really late to me. On the other hand, I'm not having any pain or spotting, so maybe I should be glad that I can just let things develop for a while before all the tests and poking.

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