Monday, January 4, 2010

She's So Cold

Terrible cold! Apparently, pregnant women are more susceptible to colds because of lowered immunity (which keeps the body from rejecting the fetus). Not a good idea to take cold medications -- not that I do anyway -- so I'm mega-juicing.


green tea with probiotic cap
4 super-duper green drinks with spirulina and lemon, drunk throughout the day
3 vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
4 small green apples, spaced throughout the day
yummmy raw soup of carrots, celery, garlic, tomatoes, and avocado

Recommendations: Good articles about what to do when you have a cold and you're pregnant:

Pregnancy and Colds (
Coughs and Colds in Pregnancy (Dr. Spock)
Is It Safe to Take Cold Medications During Pregnancy? (Baby Center)

Nitty Gritty: Very constipated lately. Time to back off from the soy and rice!

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