Thursday, January 7, 2010

When It's Time to Change

Things are progressing, and not really for the better. I've been feeling a bit woozy, which is annoying when I've spent so much time congratulating myself for being so hearty. I've also been incorporating more starches and cooked food, which seems to help settle my stomach.


green tea (very little) and probiotic cap
4 large juices (romaine, apple, cucumber, lemon, ginger) drunk throughout the day
3 vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
large mutsu apple
salad of two tomatoes and avocado
baked potato
raw soup of carrot, celery, garlic, tomato, parsley, olive oil
2 baked potatoes

I don't think I've eaten that much cooked starch in one day for a long time. I hope this doesn't become the norm.

Lately, I've been reading about testing for chromosomal abnormalities. Since the risk of those abnormalities is so much higher for women my age, typically one would do a blood test (first) to determine the risk a little more carefully and then, depending on the results, you would do a CVS or an amniocentesis or both. CVS is accurate and can be done earlier in the pregnancy, but has a slightly higher risk of miscarriage associated with it. Amnio is 99% accurate, with a 1-3% risk of miscarriage.

I would want to know if my fetus had chromosomal abnormalities, but I'm not sure how I would use the information. I think if it was a problem that would cause the child pain and little chance of survival, I would want to abort. If it was a problem that would cause the child treatable health issues with a good chance of survival, I think I would continue the pregnancy. My husband and I talked about it a little last night; we didn't come to any specific conclusions, but it was good to start thinking through the issue so that we can be on the same page.

The nitty gritty: a little woozy and very hungry. Weird. Very, very tired.

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