Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can't Stand Up for Falling Down

For the past two days, I have been eating CRAP. I mean, junky, greasy, refined foods. I don't know what's come over me. I'm nauseated most of the day, just mildly, and then I get so hungry at night that I eat these horrific foods.

Bosc pear
green juice (vitamin)
Saag paneer with saffron rice and papadam (what???)

green juice (vitamin)
Pad Kee Mao with sticky rice and two summer rolls (what????!!!)

I woke up today feeling stuffy, queasy, gassy and gross. No more.

Recommendations: I've been reading the blog of "Doctor Ariel," who does all those Women Go Raw videos. Lots of info, worth reading. Mostly, though, I'm just bogged down in school-work and work-work. My goal is to get through the next two weeks.

The nitty gritty: sometimes I feel little pulls or cramps or something -- I can't tell if it's gas from the greasy take-out or if it's something pregnancy related. I just put my hand on it and say (inside) "Stay with me. I got you." I don't know what that's supposed to accomplish. But when I'm running, and I look out over the river or the gardens, I say (inside): "We will see all this together, you and me." Of course, we haven't done the check for chromosomal abnormalities, so you're really not supposed to become attached or make long-term plans. But... I am human. This is what I do.

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