Sunday, January 3, 2010

Days Go By and Still...

Last day of vacation! Boo!

Yesterday's intake:

green tea with probiotic cap
green juice (40 oz, storebought)
3 vitamin caps, spaced throughout the day
1 green apple
salad of ear of corn, tomato, 2 celery stalks, 1/4 avocado
green salad, roasted veggies (brussels, kale, fennel, cauliflower)

The nitty gritty: my cold is going away some, but I'm sure that all my errands and evenings with friends (and cooked food) are not helping. Back to being a bit constipated... feh. Hopefully, going back to work with a fairly convenient juice bar and some decent groceries will help.

Recommendations: I looked at some articles about raw food diet and pregnancy. One, "Raw Vegan Diet and Healthy Pregnancy," seemed especially sound. The author says that as long as you make sure to get enough protein (via sprouts, soaked nuts/seeds, leafy greens, and/or algae), along with adequate DHA from spirulina and other algaes, you should have all your nutritional needs met. So... here's to spirulina and algae! I have a kind called Nutrex, which has a mild, sweet flavor. I sometimes eat it mixed with lime juice; it tastes sort of like a key lime cake.

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